Serenity framework Interview Questions

Serenity framework Interview Questions
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Below are the list of Best Serenity framework Interview Questions and Answers

Serenity is a Java-based library for test automation. It also wraps and extends WebDriver and JUnit functionality. It is an open-source modular framework that wraps around BDD style tools like Cucumber and jBehave. It also has Jira integration.

Serenity is an open-source library that lets you write cleaner and maintainable tests faster. It provides support for automated web tests using Selenium2. It helps you produce narrative reports about your test, maps your automated tests, keeps tabs on project progress, and mainly writes a more flexible and easy to maintain tests.

The prerequisite for installing Serenity is,

  • Java SDK (Software Development Kit)
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Selenium Driver files

Pros of Serenity BDD,

  • Create documentation quickly and easily after tests
  • It provides a good collaboration between business users, developers, and testers.
  • It uses Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
  • BDD lets you define specifications and accept tests in manageable units
  • It encourages the production of working features as soon as possible
  • It gives you the ability to target test runs on specific functional areas

Cons of Serenity BDD,

  • It takes time to create and maintain feature files
  • You need to have a good amount of communication for writing feature files
  • The BDD documents should be maintained
  • Writing automation code needs more time

The @Shared annotation is used to share objects between the steps and tasks in the test. It acts as a shortcut for @Steps(shared=true) and comes as handy in Screenplay tests. Here, the @Shared annotation reflects the intention more accurately than the @Steps annotation.

You can add the WebDriver properties to the file present in the root of your project.

//writing property to serenity file
Webdriver.driver = chrome
You can also ass the property in the serenity.conf file
Webdriver {
Driver = chrome

Data-driven testing lets the single test script execute tests for all the test data in the table. This test automation framework stores the test data in a table or spreadsheet format. Data-driven tests let you solve the time-consuming and lengthy problem of running the same tests on multiple data-sets.

The Screenplay pattern lets you write high-quality automated acceptance tests. With this, you can create good testing habits, test suites that are easy to read, maintain & extend. It also enables you to write more reliable and robust automates tests. The serenity screenplay pattern integrates with both the JUnit and Cucumber. The Screenplay pattern is based on food software engineering principles such as layers of abstraction, the single responsibility principle, and the open-closed principle.