Solidity Interview Questions for Beginners

Solidity Interview Questions

What is Solidity?

Solidity is a high-level, statically-typed programming language for writing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It was developed specifically for the Ethereum platform but has since been used to write smart contracts for other blockchain platforms as well.

This is used to write smart contracts, which can be used to facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. It is a contract-oriented, Turing-complete programming language, which means that it can be used to write a wide variety of programs and execute them on the Ethereum blockchain.

Here are the top 12 Solidity Interview Questions with Answers that you could use to test your interview preparation for the Solidity Job Interviews.

Quick Questions About Solidity

Solidity is a Object-oriented Programming Language
Solidity is developed byChristian Reitwiessner, Alex Beregszaszi, and former Ethereum contributors
Solidity is influenced byC++, Python & JavaScript
Solidity programs are run onEVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
Solidity uses syntax likeECMAScript
Solidity features arestatically typed, easy to learn, supports inheritance & libraries
Solidity file extension is.sol
Solidity applications arevoting, crowdfunding, blind auctions, & multi-signature wallets, etc


Key Responsibilities of Solidity Developer

As a Solidity developer, some of the key responsibilities you may be expected to have include:

  • Writing and implementing smart contract code that meets functional requirements and follows best practices for security and performance.
  • Collaborating with other developers, designers, and stakeholders to understand and define requirements for smart contract systems.
  • Testing smart contract code using various testing frameworks and tools.
  • Deploying and maintaining smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, including monitoring for and addressing any issues that may arise.
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the Ethereum ecosystem, including new versions of the Solidity compiler, changes to the Ethereum virtual machine, and advancements in blockchain technology.
  • Collaboration with other blockchain developers to build decentralized applications.
  • Integration with other systems, off-chain data oracles, and web3 javascript libraries.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting issues that arise with smart contract systems.
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Below are the list of Best Solidity Interview Questions and Answers

The main features of Solidity are as follows -

Contract-oriented programming: Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language, specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Stateful smart contracts: Solidity allows you to create and manage digital assets, and maintain the state of a smart contract through storage variables.

Inheritance and libraries: Solidity supports inheritance and libraries, allowing for the reuse of code and the creation of more complex smart contracts.

Types and units: Solidity supports various types such as integers, booleans, and addresses, and also has built-in units such as wei, ether, and time.

Event logging: Solidity allows you to emit events, which can be used for logging and debugging, or for triggering external actions.

Error handling: Solidity has built-in error handling mechanisms such as require() and assert() which can be used to validate conditions and throw exceptions.

Gas mechanism: Solidity operates on the Ethereum blockchain, which uses gas as a mechanism to pay for the execution of smart contracts on the EVM.

Gas refers to the fuel that is used to power transactions and smart contract execution on the Ethereum blockchain. Every operation on the EVM requires a certain amount of gas, and the cost of gas is measured in Ether (ETH). When a transaction is sent, the sender must include a gas limit and a gas price, which determine the maximum amount of gas they are willing to pay for the transaction to be processed.

Solidity is a high-level, statically-typed programming language for writing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

It is a contract-oriented, Turing-complete programming language, which means that it can be used to write a wide variety of programs and execute them on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a key tool for developers working with the Ethereum platform and other blockchain-based systems.

In Solidity, a contract is a unit of code that can contain data and functions that can be invoked and interacted with. A contract can be used to represent a real-world entity, such as a token, an agreement, or a voting system.

while library is a collection of functions that can be called by other contracts or functions. Unlike contracts, libraries do not have their own state and cannot receive or send transactions. They are used to provide utility functions that can be shared across multiple contracts.

Here are some key differences between contracts and libraries in Solidity

  • State: Contracts have their own state, which means they can store data and maintain a record of their interactions. Libraries do not have their own state and cannot store data.
  • Transactions: Contracts can receive and send transactions, while libraries cannot.
  • Instances: A contract can have multiple instances, each with its own unique state. Libraries cannot be instantiated and do not have their own state.
  • Inheritance: Contracts can inherit from other contracts, while libraries cannot be inherited from.
  • Functions: Both contracts and libraries can have functions, but the functions in a contract can change the state of the contract, while the functions in a library cannot.

To create a contract in Solidity, you can follow these steps:

Step 1 - Define the contract using the contract keyword, followed by the name of the contract.

contract MyContract {
  // contract code goes here

Step 2 - Declare any state variables that the contract will need to store data.

contract MyContract {
  uint public myVariable;  // a state variable of type uint (unsigned integer)

Step 3 - Define any functions that the contract will need. Functions can have different visibility levels, such as public or private, which determine whether they can be called from outside the contract.

     contract MyContract {
  uint public myVariable;

  function setVariable(uint x) public {
    myVariable = x;

  function getVariable() public view returns (uint) {
    return myVariable;

Step 4 - Optionally, you can also define events that the contract can emit to signal to external clients that something has happened.

contract MyContract {
  uint public myVariable;

  function setVariable(uint x) public {
    myVariable = x;
    emit VariableChanged(x);  // emit an event

  function getVariable() public view returns (uint) {
    return myVariable;

  event VariableChanged(uint newValue);  // define the event

That's the basic structure of a Solidity contract. You can add more variables and functions as needed to suit your specific needs.

Solidity provides a number of built-in data types that can be used to store data in a contract. Here is a list of the most commonly used data types:

  • bool: a boolean value (true or false)
  • int, uint: signed and unsigned integers of various sizes (e.g. int8, uint256)
  • bytes: a dynamic array of bytes
  • string: a dynamic array of characters (strings are UTF-8 encoded)
  • address: an Ethereum address
  • enum: a custom enumeration type

In addition to these basic data types, Solidity also supports more complex data structures such as arrays, mappings, and structs.

To declare a function in Solidity, you can use the 'function' keyword followed by the function name and a list of parameters within parentheses. For example:

function myFunction(uint x, string y) public {
  // function code goes here

This creates a function called 'myFunction' that takes two arguments: a 'uint' (unsigned integer) and a 'string'.

Functions in Solidity can have different visibility levels, which determine whether they can be called from outside the contract or not. The three visibility levels are:

  • public: a public function can be called by anyone, including external contracts and clients.
  • internal: an internal function can only be called from within the contract or from derived contracts. It cannot be called from external clients.
  • private: a private function can only be called from within the contract. It cannot be called from derived contracts or external clients.

Here is an example of how these visibility levels can be used:

contract MyContract {
  uint public myVariable;

  function setVariable(uint x) public {
    myVariable = x;

  function getVariable() public view returns (uint) {
    return myVariable;

  function updateVariable(uint x) internal {
    myVariable += x;

  function checkVariable() private view returns (bool) {
    return myVariable > 0;

In this example, 'setVariable' and 'getVariable' are public functions that can be called from outside the contract, while 'updateVariable' is an internal function that can only be called from within the contract or from derived contracts. 'checkVariable' is a private function that can only be called from within the contract.

Solidity provides several control structures that can be used to control the flow of execution in a smart contract. These control structures include:

  • if statements: used to execute a block of code only if a condition is true.
  • for loops: used to execute a block of code multiple times.
  • while loops: used to execute a block of code repeatedly until a condition is met
  • do-while loops: used to execute a block of code repeatedly until a condition is met, with the code being executed at least once.
  • break and continue statements: used to exit a loop or skip an iteration of a loop.

In Solidity, errors and exceptions are handled using the 'require' function and the 'revert' function.

The 'require' function is used to check for a condition and throw an exception if the condition is not met. It can be used to enforce preconditions and postconditions on function arguments and return values. For example:

function divide(uint x, uint y) public returns (uint) {
  require(y > 0, "Division by zero");  // throw an exception if y is zero
  return x / y;

The 'revert' function is used to revert the state of the contract to the state it was in prior to the current call, and it can also be used to throw an exception with an optional message. It is typically used to revert the state of the contract when an error or exception occurs. For example:

function addFunds(uint amount) public {
  require(amount > 0, "Invalid amount");
  if (!msg.sender.send(amount)) {  // send the funds
    revert("Error sending funds");  // revert the state of the contract if the send fails

Both the 'require' function and the 'revert' function will cause the current function to throw an exception and revert the state of the contract. If the exception is not caught and handled, it will propagate up the call stack until it is caught by the calling contract or client.

The Solidity compiler is a tool that is used to compile Solidity code into machine code that can be run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It takes the Solidity code and translates it into bytecode, which is the low-level language that the EVM can understand and execute. The compiler also checks the Solidity code for errors and warns the developer of any issues.

In Solidity, a contract is a unit of code that can contain data and functions that can be invoked and interacted with. A contract can be used to represent a real-world entity, such as a token, an agreement, or a voting system.

While An interface is a way of specifying the functions that a contract must implement, without providing an implementation for those functions. Interfaces are used to define a common set of functions that multiple contracts can implement, allowing them to be used interchangeably.

Here are some key differences between contracts and interfaces in Solidity:

  • Implementation: Contracts contain both a definition and an implementation for the functions they define, while interfaces only contain a definition.
  • Inheritance: Contracts can inherit from other contracts, while interfaces cannot be inherited from.
  • State: Contracts can have their own state, while interfaces do not have state.
  • Instances: A contract can have multiple instances, each with its own unique state. Interfaces cannot be instantiated and do not have their own state.

Solidity Remix is an online Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing, testing, and deploying Solidity contracts. It is a web-based tool that allows you to write, compile, and debug Solidity code directly in your web browser.

The Solidity Remix IDE includes a number of useful features, including:

  • Syntax highlighting: to help you easily identify different types of code
  • Auto-complete: to help you quickly and easily write code
  • Compiler warnings and errors: to help you identify and fix problems in your code
  • Debugging tools: to help you step through your code and find issues
  • Test environment: to allow you to test your contract in a simulated environment

To use the Solidity Remix IDE, you can simply go to the website and start writing your Solidity code in the code editor. You can then use the various tools and features of the IDE to compile, test, and debug your code.