Tailwind CSS Interview Questions for Beginners

Tailwind CSS Interview Questions

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of highly customizable, low-level utility classes to build modern and responsive user interfaces. finally, practice here the most popular Tailwind CSS Interview Questions with Answers.

Quick Questions about Tailwind CSS

Key Responsibilities of Tailwind CSS Developer

A Tailwind CSS Developer plays a crucial role in translating design concepts into functional, performant, and visually appealing user interfaces while maintaining a focus on code efficiency and collaboration. Here are the few important key responsibilities for Tailwind CSS Developer.

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Below are the list of Best Tailwind CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of highly customizable, low-level utility classes to build modern and responsive user interfaces.

We can install Tailwind CSS using a package manager like npm or yarn. Run the following command:

npm install tailwindcss

Utility-first CSS promotes building components by composing utility classes directly in the HTML, allowing for rapid development and easier maintenance.

In your tailwind.config.js, set the mode option to 'jit'.

Tailwind CSS provides responsive utility classes that allow you to control the appearance of elements on different screen sizes.

Tailwind CSS offers a faster development process, consistent styling, flexibility, and reduced custom CSS code.

Modify the theme section of your tailwind.config.js to define new color values.

Use the @apply directive to apply a set of utility classes as a single class.

@apply is used to apply existing utility classes, while @screen is used to define responsive styles based on screen sizes.

Add a dark variant to your utility classes and customize dark mode styles in your configuration.

The group utility targets child elements based on a parent class, allowing you to apply styles when hovering or focusing on the parent element.

Use the variants section in your tailwind.config.js to enable or disable variants like hover and focus

The purge option is used to remove unused CSS classes, reducing the file size of your stylesheets.

Define your custom utility class in the extended section of the tailwind.config.js.

A container is a utility class that helps center and limit the width of content on larger screens.

Install the plugin using a package manager and add it to the plugins section in your


The order utility adjusts the order of flex or grid items without changing their source order in the HTML.

Define the font in the fontFamily section of the tailwind.config.js and use the font-{name} utility class.

Margin utilities control spacing outside an element, while padding utilities control spacing inside an element.

Set the mode option to 'rtl' in your tailwind.config.js.

The prose utility provides styles for creating content-rich pages with consistent typography and spacing.

Use the flex and items-center utilities to vertically center an element within its container.

The aspect-ratio utility maintains a specific aspect ratio for elements, such as videos or images.

Use the space-{size} utilities along with responsive variants like sm, md, etc.

JIT compilation compiles Tailwind CSS on-demand, reducing the final CSS size, while AOT compilation generates the entire stylesheet in advance.

The not-sr-only class ensures that an element is visible to all users, not just screen readers.

Use classes like text-{size} along with responsive variants to adjust text sizes for different screen sizes.

The list utility classes style list items and lists, providing options for bullet points, numbers, and more.

Use the flex and justify-center utilities to vertically center text within a container.

The divide utility adds dividing lines between elements, such as list items, using classes like divide-y or divide-x.