SASS Interview Questions

SASS Interview Questions
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Below are the list of Best SASS Interview Questions and Answers

  • The sass is the acronym of synthetically Awesome Style Sheet. This is a CSS pre-processor.
  • The sass used to minimize the repetition of CSS style tags and save time. This is a more stable extension language of CSS.
  • The file name and extension are filename.scss and filename.sass for sass.
  • The Sass is suitable for all versions of CSS.
  • To understanding Sass, the developer should know the HTML and CSS languages.
  • The SASS language primarily designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum.
  • After the primary version, Natalie Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein are continuing for SASS with a scripting language called SaasScript.
  • The SASS language comes on 28 November 2006.

The Sass is time-saving and minimizes the coding language.

Some basic features of SASS which come daily basis is below.

List and @each directive together.

The list is an initial feature of sass but @each and list come together then it's working perfectly.

Partials and @import directive.

The nested code is more complicated with multiple classes. If you want to available only required code then code separated into small size of code

@content directive.

The @content directive passes the information and content of @include to the @mixin directive.


This is used when the main styles don't want to use for some places and want to modify this style.

Reference symbol ( & )

The reference symbol removes the complexion of multiple classes. The one class can refer to the parent class using & symbol.


This is used for letters, numbers, and string as color, size, and upper-case, lower-case, etc. Interpolation.

Some Alternative list of SASS

  • LESS
  • Animate.css

The Sass has supported two syntaxes which are Indented (sass) and scss.

  • Indented (sass) syntax:

The semicolon and curly bracket remove and add a colon before every property tag.

:color pink 
:font-size 12px
  • scss syntax:

The scss syntax is the same as a CSS syntax with its own modification.

Color: pink;
font-size:  12px;

Example:- how to convert the SASS file and SCSS file

  • To convert the SASS file to the SCSS file.
sass-convert filename.sass filename.scss
  • To convert the SCSS file to the SASS file.
sass-convert filename.scss filename.sass

We can define a variable in sass

  • The variable means to store all types of values and data like Boolean, String, numeric, etc.
  • This variable value can use after time as per requirement.
  • The SASS variable syntax is below.
$variable_name: variable_value; 
  • example of SASS variable
$simple: blue;
color: $simple;
font-size: $primary;

Let's see the what's the use of @import function of Saas

  • The CSS has also the @import directive but it takes extra HTTP request every single time.
  • The SASS @import directive removes the drawback of the CSS file.
  • The @import directive permits one sass file to access the content of another sass file.
  • The syntax of the import of SASS is below.
@import “file_name”; 
  • We can need to write an extension (.scss) with the file name. The @import can access the automatic extension.
  • The sass file is myApp.scss show the below.
The another file is myCode.scss show the below.
@import myApp
  • The SASS created a nested style to overcome the repetitive code.
  • The one style tag can include other style tags. The sass combines outer and inner style tags.
  • You can see the detail below.

my style.scss



  nav form{
            nav ul{
  • The sass selector separates using comma (,) and combines the multiple outer and inner selector automatically.


av , .pack{
           form, ul {


.nav form, .nav ul, .pack form, .pack ul {
                   color: green; 
  • The sass combinator is used when two selectors want to combine for style.


av > {


nav >form{
  • The @if is condition directive of sassScript.
  • If the condition can fulfill then style tag is working.
  • The syntax of the @if directive in sass is below.
@if expression/condition { CSS code }
  • The example is below.
@if 7>6 { color: yellow;}
  • If the condition used to control the statement and after condition becomes true then code will run.
  • The @debug directive can display the error message in SASS.
  • This directive detects the error in the code then displays the error in the format of sassScript expression.


prim: yellow
$sec: 2px black solid;
              @debug $prime;
            @debug $sec;


The SaaS file converted into CSS file automatically, but some condition CSS file is not supported.

The Sass supports four output style.

  • Compact output style: this is pointed on selector not the property. It takes less space than an expanded and nested output style.
  • Compressed output style: it provides whitespace to separate selectors. It takes less space than the other three styles.
  • Expanded output style: this style to space then the default output tag. Each property expanded CSS style.
  • Nested output style: this is the default sass output style.
  • The @import directive permits one sass file to import another sass file to access the content one file.
  • The syntax of the import of SASS is below.
@import “file_name”;
  • The mixin is used to write the code of CSS and used throughout the websites and web application.
  • Mixin includes multiple CSS variables, values, and functions and used repeatedly in web applications.
  • This is time-saving and avoids code rewriting in CSS.
  • The mixin defines with the @mixin directive.

The sass avoids the rewrite code using the nesting method. To refer the parent selector and inside of parent selector & (Amperes) symbol is required. This symbol used for hover, focus and active status in style tag.

Example in scss

      &:focus {
    color: yellow;

Example in css

nav form{
            nav:focus {
  color: yellow;

We know the prerequisite language as HTML, CSS with SASS style. I can work on Sass daily as a UI/UX designer and I am confident about my knowledge to work fast and minimum corrections. I rate for myself the basis of saas technology 8/10.