Node Js Tutorials

Node Js Tutorials
NODE JS Your Way To Success: Career, Features, Scopes and Roles
NODE JS Your Way To Success: Career, Features, Scopes and Roles

Node.js is an open source JavaScript platform that used to develop fast, scalable and lightweight server-side applications very easily. It follows the single thread with an even driven loop which helps to interact or handle many requests as possible.

Node Js Tutorials
Most Popular Node.js Frameworks
Most Popular Node.js Frameworks

The Node.js is one the most powerful and popular server-side programming language. It is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine which is a cross-platform runtime environment. Below is a random list of 8 best Node.js frameworks with their descriptions and characteristics that may help you out to button on the right Node.js frameworks for your application or the project.

Node Js Tutorials
All you need to know about Node JS ORM
All you need to know about Node JS ORM

To be simple, Node JS is the server side programming framework that allows the developers to build servers and other networks using javascript for the first time. This is also a runtime environment – an open cross-platform that easily allows the developers to test any software program, clearing any bugs and errors while it is still running. It gives a brief idea of how that particular software might work or behave once it is been executed. In simple words, Node JS helps to execute Javascript directly on the system without using any browser.

Node Js Tutorials
Uploading image in Node.js using multer
Uploading image in Node.js using multer

Multer is a middleware for node.js that processes multipart/form-data. It is basically used for uploading images and documents in Node. For maximum efficiency, Multer is written top of the busboy (A HTML form data parser ). In this tutorial, we are going to see how to upload an image, pdf or document in Node js. Step1: Installing Multe

Node Js Tutorials
Installing Nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04
Installing Nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04

Check out steps to install Node js on Ubuntu 16.04, please open your terminal and run the following commands:-

Node Js Tutorials
Installing and configuring Mongodb on Ubuntu 16.04
Installing and configuring Mongodb on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing and configuring MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04: In this article, we will see to install a fresh MongoDB server on the ubuntu machine.

Node Js Tutorials
Dropping an existing index from MongoDB or mongoose
Dropping an existing index from MongoDB or mongoose

While working with MongoDB and Node js I face an issue. I have created mobile_no unique in starting and after some time I realized that I don't need my mobile_no to be unique. so I just go to my model and remove the unique: true property from my table schema and rebuild my app after. But strange the changes in schema did not reflect, I will still get the same error, mobile no must be unique. I have read my tutorial and found this code to Drop an existing index from mongo or mongoose using Model.

Node Js Tutorials
Uploading image from url using Node js
Uploading image from url using Node js

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to Upload an image from URL using Node Js. We have written a simple function In Node.js to save an image from URL to local disk/ server. Whenever we use login with facebook, google or any other social media in node js app, we get some basic information like name, email and profile picture from there

Node Js Tutorials
Scheduling CRON Jobs on Node js using node schedule
Scheduling CRON Jobs on Node js using node schedule

Cron Jobs are used for scheduling tasks to run on the server.CRON Jobs are the most commonly used method to automate tasks on Server. In this article, we will see how to schedule Jobs in Node.js. We are going to use node-schedule package for scheduling JOBS.

Node Js Tutorials
How to enable cors in Node js
How to enable cors in Node js

In this article, we are going to see how to enable CORS ( Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ) in Node JS. CORS essentially means cross-domain requests. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to let a user agent gain permission to access selected resources from a server on a different origin (domain) then the site currently in use. A user agent makes a cross-origin HTTP request

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