Laravel and Symfony PHP Framework both provide object-relational mapping (ORM) for data access. There are a number of differences between the Laravel and Symfony PHP Framework.
Hello, friends today we are going to see How To Generate PDF In Laravel 6. In any Laravel application PDF generation is one of the important tasks. You need to generate a pdf of invoices for the product and for another purpose. Here in this article, we are going to use barryvdh/laravel-dompdf package for generating our PDF.
from an offset. In this example, you will see how to use/ set the limit and offset in Laravel Framework. Note: This example work on Laravel 5.3 or above $condition=[]; $offset=0 // start row index. $limit=100 // no of records to fetch/ get .Model::where(['zone_id'=>1])->offset($offset)->limit($limit)->get();Above example returns you first 100 rows/ records from Model ( in your case name of Modal) and returns you an array of objects from the model....
Here in this Laravel Example, we are going to see tested way to remove public from URL in Laravel.
You have used Laravel Pagination with Eloquent results. Sometimes we have to do paginations in Laravel on arrays or custom objects. In this tutorial, we will see how to do Laravel manual pagination. Here we are going to use LengthAwarePaginator class of Laravel to create custom pagination in Laravel.
In this tutorial, you will see how to create a contact us form that will not only save the visitors details in your MySQL database as well also send an email to website admin. After reading this tutorial you will able to create a contact us page in Laravel for your website that will save users info in data and send and send user information on admin.
Here in this session, I am going to deal with the top 5 Laravel based CMS and their Features. When we are talking about the Framework vs. CMS's, we usually compare them both. But the CMSs are build up more in the way when compared to the framework
In this article, I am going to show you how to create an installer of Laravel project to automate basic tasks.When you are working on a Laravel project there is some basic setup that needs to be done for each install of the project.
In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple crud application using Vue js and Laravel. We going to use Vue.js 2.x for frontend and Laravel 5.5 for creating our backend web services. Follow below steps to create Crud Application in Laravel 5.5 and Vue Js.
Laravel 5.5 is the latest stable version of Laravel framework, released on August 30, 2017.It is the next long-term support (LTS) version of Laravel after 5.1 that is going receive bug fixes for two years, and security fixes for the next three years.
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