What is $PSScriptRoot in PowerShell?

Adarsh Vijayakumar
Adarsh Vijayakumar

Posted On: Aug 26, 2022


    1 Answer Written

  •  Adarsh Vijayakumar
    Answered by Kanak

    $PSScriptRoot in PowerShell

    Powershell or Windows shell is a command-line used in a scripting language. It helps in the automation of different daily tasks related to the automation, writing data into Excel, notepad, word, ppt etc, system monitoring and backup for domains. $PSScriptRoot is a variable used inside the PowerShell of Windows for the script modules. In terms of PowerShell 2.0, it is valid for only some script modules while in the case of PowerShell 3.0 it is valid for all scripts. The $null is an automatic variable of $PSScriptRoot if used outside from the code file of PowerShell. In case if the use of $PSScriptRoot is inside the PowerShell then it can define the fully qualified path of the file system in the scripted file's Directory.

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