Clojure Interview Questions

Clojure Interview Questions
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Below are the list of Best Clojure Interview Questions and Answers

Clojure is a type of open source, modern dynamic and the general purpose programming language.

Clojure script is the version of the Clojure. Clojure script is a type of functional programming language that is used for the Java Virtual Machine or JVM. The Clojure script is mainly used to compile with the Javascript. For these reasons, only Clojure script run in all browser, on the mobile devices, and on the Node.js.

Spec is a type of the Clojure library that is used to describe the structure of the data and functions. Clojure spec is mainly used to validate data, confirm data, explains the invalid data and automatically generates the testing to test the functions.

Firstly REPL stands for reading Eval Print Loop. The Clojure REPL is a type of the programming language that enables the programmer to interact with the running Clojure program. It also helps to modify it by evaluating one code expression at one time.

Macros are mainly used to write the code generating routines which helps to provide the developer with a powerful way to tailor the languages to the needs of the developer.

Rich Hickey invented the Clojure. It is a variant of Lisp which was invented by John McCarthy.

Clojure Macros are generally used to generate the inline code. Clojure doesn't have any expectation and provides the simple macro facilities for the developers or the users.

The following are some of the different programming languages:

  • Clojure
  • Scala
  • Haskell
  • Phyton
  • Erlang

There are two platforms on which the Clojure runs:

  • Java platform
  • .Net platform

JVM stands for the Java Virtual Machine. JVM is a type of machine or engine that provides a valuable runtime environment to drive the environment of the JavaScript or other applications. The main task of the JVM is to convert the Java Bytecode to the machine level language.

Clojure is mainly designed as a host programming language. It runs on the JVM and also provides interoperability in Java. While the language is running in Java it provides portability, stability, performance, and the security.

There are three types of phases in which the Clojure Code processed and they are:

  • Read time
  • Compile time
  • Runtime

The updated version of Java 5 is supported by the Clojure programming language.

If you want to display the Clojure Version in the REPL then you have to use the command

Printin Clojure – Version

The following are the main types of functions that are used in the Clojure:

  • Anonymous function – These type of functions are simple functions that are not bound to a name.
  • Named Function – These types of functions are bound to a symbol used as an identifier.
  • High Order Functions – These types of functions usually take other functions as a parameter.