Average MCQ

  1. Average age of 7 family members is 75 years. But average age of 6 of them is 74 years 6 months. What is the age of the 7th family member?
  2. The average of fifty numbers is 28. If two numbers, namely 25 and 35 are discarded, the average of the remaining numbers is nearly,
  3. The average of three numbers is 77. The first number is twice the second and the second number is twice the third. Find the first number?
  4. Knowing that Vijay’s expenditure for first 3 days is Rs. 100, Rs. 125 and Rs. 85, what is his 4th day expenditure as his 4 days average expenditure Rs. 90?
  5. Average of 3rd and 4th number in 5 consecutive numbers is 10. What is the sum of these 5 numbers?
  6. Ashok secured average of 75 marks in 6 subjects. If the average of marks in 5 subjects is 74, how many marks did he secure in the 6th subject?
  7. The average of 12 numbers is 20. The average of the first 5 numbers is 18 and the average of the last 6 numbers is 22. Find the sixth number?
  8. The average of 12 numbers is 20. The average of the first 5 numbers is 18 and the average of the last 6 numbers is 22. Find the sixth number?
  9. The average age of 8 persons is 42 years. If 4 persons, whose average age is 48 years, go away, then what will be the average age of the remaining persons?
  10. The average age of 10 members of a cricket team is 30 years. The inclusion of the captain with him increases the average age by 1 year. Find the age of the captain?
  11. One person of 60 kg was removed from the group of 10 persons and another person was replaced in it, which increased the average weight by 1 kg. Find the weight of the new person?
  12. The average age of 20 people is 25 years. If 5 people of average age of 20 years are with them, then the average age of everyone will be -
  13. The average of 50 numbers is 65. The average of the first 20 numbers is 50 and the average of the last 31 numbers is 42. Find the 20th number?
  14. Find the average of all even numbers from 120 to 248?

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Practice below the best AVERAGE MCQ Questions that check your basic knowledge of Average Aptitude. This AVERAGE MCQ TEST contains 20+ Average Multiple Choice Questions. So, practice these questions to check your final preparation for your exams. Apart from this, you can also download below the Average MCQ PDF completely free.

  • 68
  • 78
  • 75.5
  • 80