Posted On: Mar 04, 2020
Some of the common Exceptions in the Selenium WebDriver are,
ElementNotVisibleException - Here, the element will not be visible even if it is present.
ElementNotSelectableException - Here, the element is disabled.
NoSuchElementException - Here, the WebDriver cannot determine the element during the runtime.
NoSuchFrameException - Here, the switching to an invalid frame by the WebDriver is unavailable.
NoAlertPresentException - Here, the switching to an invalid alert by the WebDriver is unavailable.
NoSuchWindowException - Here, the switching to an invalid window by the WebDriver is unavailable.
WebDriverException - Here, the WebDriver will be acting immediately after closing the browser.
TimeoutException - Here, the command will not be completed in the specified time.
SessionNotFoundException - It occurs when the session is not found in the Selenium WebDriver.
StaleElementReferenceException - Here, the referenced element is longer present on the DOM page.
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