List some Selenium commands in WebDriver?


Posted On: Mar 03, 2020


List some of the WbDriver Selenium commands are,

  • get() - It takes a URL as its parameter and launches a new browser as it opens the specified URL in the browser instance.
  • getClass() - It is used to retrieve the Class object that represents the runtime class of this object.
  • getCurrentUrl() - It is used to retrieve the URL of the webpage that is currently processed by the user.
  • getPageSource() - It is used to retrieve the page source of the webpage that is currently accessed by the user.
  • getTitle() - It is used to retrieve the title of the webpage that is currently used by the user.
  • getText() - It is used to retrieve the inner text of the specified web element.
  • getAttribute() - It is used to retrieve the value of the specified attribute.
  • getWindowHandle() - It is used to tackle the situation when there is more than one window to deal with.

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