What is new in entity framework 7?


Posted On: Jul 08, 2024


The new features in entity framework 7 include the following:

  • New platforms: .NET along with the other distinct technologies like WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms is supported by Entity Framework 7. 
  • Extensible and lightweight: One can extend and replace the extensible.
  • Microsoft has officially ceased EDMX in Entity Framework 7.
  • Entity Framework 7 supports non-relational and relational data collection.
  • EF7 offers a simpler SQL examination for the most usual scenarios than EF6.
  • Entity Framework 7 permits one to identify added innovative keys within one’s entities in supplementation to the chief key. One can utilize then these different keys as the selection of unfamiliar key relationships. An innovative constraint is initiated for every alternate or different key in the prototype.

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