What is a constructor in PHP?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


Constructor in PHP is a unique function of a class that is automatically executed as any object of that class is created or instantiated and is also called magic function because, in PHP, the magic method starts usually with two underscore characters. In PHP4, we create constructor by class name it means the name of the constructor is the same as the class name but in PHP5, it has been modified to create constructor, it can be initialized by `__construct` keyword.

Since the constructor is a special function and it is automatically called when an object of a class is instantiated, so in that way we can take benefits of constructor by using it in our class. We can set up the object before using it or can start a session in the constructor so we don't have to start in every method of the class. You can write some line of code and start to instantiate an object to call class method then constructor called as the object is instantiated and code which is written in the constructor is executed automatically. Constructor with parameters looks like a regular method because you can pass the variable to the constructor as in regular method.

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