What do you understand by the term 'normalization'? Explain the various modes of normalization?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


To depreciate the redundancy and necessity, the tables and the fields of a correlated database are organized. This process is known as Normalization

It helps to conserve the space for storage and look after the regularity of the data There are six various normal forms which are given below.

First Normal Form -

It is a level of database normalization where only atomic values are present in the fundamental domains.

Second Normal Form -

It is a level of database normalization where it is in first normal form and each non-key trait is completely functionally reliant on the primary key.

Third Normal Form -

It is a level of database normalization where it is in 2nd normal form and each non-key trait is non-transitionally reliant on the primary key.

Boyce Codd Normal Form -

It is a level of database normalization where each determinant is a candidate key.

Fourth Normal Form -

It is a level of database normalization where no non-trivial multivalent dependencies other than any candidate key is present

Fifth Normal Form -

It also referred to the project-join normal form. It is a level of database normalization which is created to lessen redundancy.

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