What are different data types that Perl supports. Elaborate on them.


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


PERL has three basic data types. They are:

  • Scalar data type: These are simple variables that are either a number, string or a reference. Scalar data types start with a dollar sign($). Scalar values are by default undefined. A scalar value is interpreted as TRUE in the Boolean sense if it not a null string.
  • Arrays of scalar: These are the ordered list of scalars that can be accessed by a numeric index and starts with a 0. They start with "at" sign (@). In simpler words, array stores the list of scalar values.
  • Hashes of scalars: Hashes are also known as associative arrays and are preceded by a percentage sign (%). Hashes are unordered sets of value pairs that can be accessed using the keys as subscripts. It stores associative arrays that use a key-value as an index instead of numerical indexes. It is a third major data type after scalars and arrays.

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