List some uds negative response codes?


Posted On: Dec 29, 2020


    1 Answer Written

  •  devquora
    Answered by devquora

    Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) is a communication protocol used in the automotive industry to diagnose and communicate with various electronic control units (ECUs). Negative response codes (NRCs) are used in UDS to indicate that an error or failure has occurred during a communication session. Here are some commonly used UDS negative response codes:

    • NRC 10 - General Reject: This code is used to indicate that the requested service is not supported or that the request is not valid.
    • NRC 12 - Service Not Supported: This code is used to indicate that the requested service is not supported by the ECU.
    • NRC 22 - Conditions Not Correct: This code is used to indicate that the requested service cannot be performed because certain conditions or requirements are not met.
    • NRC 31 - Request Out Of Range: This code is used to indicate that the requested data or parameter is out of range or exceeds the maximum or minimum limits. NRC 33 - Security Access Denied: This code is used to indicate that the security access for the requested service has been denied.
    • NRC 70 - Upload/Download Not Accepted: This code is used to indicate that the ECU is not able to accept the requested data upload or download operation.

    These are just a few examples of UDS negative response codes that can be encountered during a communication session.

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