How to declare a function in Solidity and what are the different visibility levels that can be used?


Posted On: May 30, 2024


To declare a function in Solidity, you can use the 'function' keyword followed by the function name and a list of parameters within parentheses. For example:

function myFunction(uint x, string y) public {
  // function code goes here

This creates a function called 'myFunction' that takes two arguments: a 'uint' (unsigned integer) and a 'string'.

Functions in Solidity can have different visibility levels, which determine whether they can be called from outside the contract or not. The three visibility levels are:

  • public: a public function can be called by anyone, including external contracts and clients.
  • internal: an internal function can only be called from within the contract or from derived contracts. It cannot be called from external clients.
  • private: a private function can only be called from within the contract. It cannot be called from derived contracts or external clients.

Here is an example of how these visibility levels can be used:

contract MyContract {
  uint public myVariable;

  function setVariable(uint x) public {
    myVariable = x;

  function getVariable() public view returns (uint) {
    return myVariable;

  function updateVariable(uint x) internal {
    myVariable += x;

  function checkVariable() private view returns (bool) {
    return myVariable > 0;

In this example, 'setVariable' and 'getVariable' are public functions that can be called from outside the contract, while 'updateVariable' is an internal function that can only be called from within the contract or from derived contracts. 'checkVariable' is a private function that can only be called from within the contract.

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