What is full form of Computer

The full form of COMPUTER is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. To store and process data an electronic device is used which is called as a computer. The process and storage are mostly done in binary form, according to the instructions given. The main components of a Computer are CPU, Monitor, keyboard, and Mouse. Computer CPU is responsible for all arithmetic and logical operations need to perform. CPU is also known as Brain of COMPUTER.

Frequently Asked Questions On Computer.

1. Who is known as the father of the computer?

The father of computers is Charles Babbage. His concept on the Analytical Engine hailed as the first general-purpose computer in 1837.

2. When was the first computer bought in India?

In 1956 the first computer was bought for a sum of Rs.10 lakhs which was called HEC-2M.

3. What do you understand by a quantum computer?

A computer performing certain computations efficiently using quantum mechanics is called a quantum computer. This type of computer uses a qubit to store information. A qubit can be set to both 1 and 0. The quantum computers don’t face the same scaling issues that a regular non-quantum computer does.

4. What is a computer virus? Explain various types

Any malicious software which can replicate itself and insert its own code is a computer virus. The affected program or process part is considered to be infected. Some of the common types of software are boot sector virus which was present when floppy disks were present. And the next type is the resident virus, which alters the files in the system.

5. What are the components of a computer? Explain them.

The components of the system are the Input unit, Output unit, Storage unit, Central processing unit(CPU). Input comprises of the keyboard and the monitor, printer, and scanner are output components. Primary/main storage is the storage unit and the CPU is responsible for the control over the internal and external devices.

6. What do you understand by a supercomputer?

A powerful mainframe computer with a high level of performance. In a general computer, the performance is measured in Million Instruction Per Second(MIPS) whereas in supercomputer it's in Floating-point Operations Per Second(FLOPS).

7. What the limitations of computers?

Lack of common sense is one of the major limitations faced by computers. The computers have zero IQ hence resulting in a lack of decision making unless it’s already programmed in the computer. They can be only programmed on procedure-oriented.

8. List the types of computers available.

The types of computers are super computer, mainframe computer, mini and micro or personal computer. The supercomputers are the most powerful computers and the mainframe is ranked right below the supercomputer. Minicomputers are mid-sized computers which fall after mainframe and at last, are the personal computers used by one user at a time.

9. On the basis of generations, list the computers.

  • First-generation: 1940-1956: The computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.
  • Second Generation: 1956-1963: The vacuum tube was replaced with transistors.
  • Third Generation: 1964-1971: Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips called semiconductors.
  • Fourth Generation: 1972-2010: All computer components were placed in a single chip, the Intel 4004.
  • Fifth Generation: 2010-present: Artificial Intelligence.

The term computer stands for ‘Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research’ which is a programmable machine. The main two principal characteristics of a computer are that one, it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and second, it can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program). Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery — wires, transistors, and circuits — is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software. The first digital computer was called the ENIAC, built during World War II (1943-1946), designed to help automate the calculations being done by human computers. By doing these calculations on a computer, they could achieve results much faster and with fewer errors.