Posted On: Feb 22, 2018
Constructors are used for initializing class members and also for dependency injection. Ngonlnit is used for the initialization work. Both of these methods are called when the component is created. It is really important that we should know, when to and how to use them. These are used for providing the best structure for your component’s code. A constructor method is a pre-defined method in the constructor class which is only called when the class is instantiated. It is also used for properly initializing the fields. The constructor in Angular 2 is used to create a new instance of the class. Ngonlnit is the class we import when we implement the constructor in order to use it in a class. The method used in this case is ngOnlnit(). This method helps in initializing the directive or the component after the data-bound properties are displayed and the directive or components input is set.
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