What is Webpack?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


    3 Answers Written

  •  devquora
    Answered by Anil Saini

    Webpack is a module bundler that runs at the time of development, not during the page. It is a tool which helps in configuration to the builder for telling how to load specific things. A Webpack will then load your desired file after the command and you will get exactly according to your requirements. The main function of this tool is to create optimized bundles including the scripts of your application. They support advanced functions like hot module reloading, bundle splitting, source maps, lazy loading, and hashing. Webpack can also work with static data like HTML, CSS, etc. If you are in need of splitting your large application without wasting many resources then it will be good to use Webpack.

  •  devquora
    Answered by Anug Verma

    Webpack is a module bundler and can take care of bundling alongside a separate task runner. However, the line between bundler and task runner has narrowed due to community-developed Webpack plugins. Sometimes, these plugins are used to perform tasks that are usually done outside of a Webpack, such as cleaning the build directory or deploying the build.

  •  devquora
    Answered by ritik samania

    I think i like those peoples who doing very hard work they have lot of things to achieve in her life so i like this kinds of people

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