What is the type of containers that can be used in the SISS package?


Posted On: Nov 10, 2022


Containers are helpful in grouping different tasks together. Each one of them has a purpose that helps in performing various tasks. Here is a list of containers.

  • Loop containers

When we have to execute a particular task a fixed number of times, this container is used. If we need to start a loop 5 times, then we can specify the number while using this container. This saves time as we need not repeatedly do the same task 5 times. We also need not declare 5 different packages to complete the task.

  • For each loop container

If the number of times a task is to be executed and we are unaware of the exact number, then this container is used. When we execute such a task, each and every folder is selected. Then the task takes place one by one. As soon as it is complete, we are informed that the task is complete.

  • Sequence containers

These are used when we have to group two or more similar tasks. It is a simple container in the SISS package.

  • Task host containers

A task host container is a default container in SISS. This is not found in the toolbox as does not need any implementation. This automatically gets assigned to each task that is performed.

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