What is GWT framework?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


    1 Answer Written

  •  devquora
    Answered by Priyanka

    GWT refers to the Google Web Toolkit which is being used by the products of Google like Google wallet, Google Adword, etc. It is a Toolkit for developers that is used to optimize complex browsing, building applications and even AJAX with the help of Java. With the help of GWT Toolkit, one can write their front end in Java which gets compiled into HTML and Javascript. The main purpose of launching GWT in 2003 was to increase productive development even for the beginners who have basic knowledge of Javascript, quirk, and XMLHttpRequest. If you only have skills in Java but don't have enough knowledge of CSS, HTML, and Javascript in such condition one can use the GWT framework. The Toolkit is also having the strong support of IDE along with syntax highlighting.

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