Posted On: Mar 14, 2020
A stateless server is a server that keeps no state information and stateless file servers do not store any session state. Therefore, every client request is treated independently, and not as a part of a new or existing session. A stateless server does not need a client to first establish a connection to the server. So, it views a client request as an independent transaction and responds to it.
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REST, expanded as Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style developed by Roy Fielding in 2000. REST presents a set of constraints to be used in the creation of web services. The servi...
REST supports a group of HTTP methods to manipulate the request and response. They are, GET – It is used to read the representation of a resource. It usually returns the resource in XML or JSON...
In the REST architecture, every content is a resource. It can be a text file, HTML pages, images, videos, or business data. These resources are identified by the URI or global ID’s which can be ...