Posted On: May 31, 2021
A number is said to be palindrome number of it remains the same after being reversed. An example of palindromic numbers is 131, 434. 12321, 212 and others too numerous to mention. It is very easy to check if a number is palindromic or not. All you need to do is to compare the number with the original after reversing it. The original number is the same as the reversed number, it is palindromic. A palindrome is gotten from the word palindrome” which refers to words the spelling is unchanged when the letters that make up the word are reversed.
numbers which stay the same even if the digits are reversed like 151 on interchanging remains 151
If we reverse the number and if the reversed number is same as the original number then it's known to be a palindrome number example : 121 (original ) 121 (reversed )
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