What are services in Android and what is its type?


Posted On: Jun 11, 2024


Services here is an application component that can perform long-duration operations in the background. It doesn’t provide a user interface. Other application components can start a service and can continue to perform/ run in the background when the users switch to some other application. There are three different types of services:

  • Foreground: The activity of performing the operation in foreground service is noticeable to the users. A notification is displayed for the same.
  • Background: Generally, a background service performs its operations, which is directed not noticed by the users on their screen. Example if an app uses service to compact its storage this will be considered as background service.
  • Bound: A service is bound when an application component binds to it by calling it as bind service. A bound service runs only as long as another application component is bound to it.

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