How is Dynamic range provided in Data Source of Pivot Tables?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


    1 Answer Written

  •  devquora
    Answered by devquora

    Dynamic range in the data source of a Pivot Table is provided through the use of named ranges or tables in Excel. When creating a Pivot Table, it's essential to ensure that the data source can accommodate changes in the size of the data range without manual adjustments.

    Here are the steps to create a dynamic range for a PivotTable:

    • Select the data range that you want to use for your Pivot Table.
    • Click on the "Formulas" tab in the Excel ribbon and then click "Define Name" in the "Defined Names" group.
    • In the "New Name" dialog box, enter a name for your data range, and in the "Refers to" box, enter the formula for the data range.
    • For example, if your data range is in cells A1:B10, the formula for the named range would be "=Sheet1!$A$1:$B$10".
    • Click OK to save the named range.

    Now, when creating a Pivot Table, instead of selecting the specific date range, you can simply select the named range.

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