How do i implement modules natively in javascript?


Posted On: Jan 12, 2023


JavaScript does not have native support for modules, but you can use various tools and libraries to achieve the same functionality.

One popular way to implement modules in JavaScript is through the use of the 'module' and export keywords in the ECMAScript (ES)6 standard. You can use the 'export' keyword to make properties and methods available to other parts of your code, and the 'import' keyword to consume those exports in other files.

For example, in a file named 'math.js':

export function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

export function multiply(a, b) {
    return a * b;

And in another file, 'main.js':

import { add, multiply } from './math';

console.log(add(1, 2)); // 3
console.log(multiply(2, 3)); // 6

Another popular way is by using module bundlers like webpack or browserify, which will bundle all the modules together in a single file that can be loaded by the browser.

You can also use a package manager like npm or yarn to manage your dependencies and to include modules from npm registry.

Note that some older browsers may not support ES6 modules natively, so you may need to use a transpiler like Babel to convert your code to a version of JavaScript that is supported by older browsers.

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