Why AWS Elastic Load Balancers have more than 1 IP addresses?


Posted On: Jan 27, 2023


AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) have more than one IP address for several reasons:

  • High availability: Having multiple IP addresses allows the ELB to automatically failover to another IP address if one of them becomes unavailable. This ensures that traffic can still be routed to the load balancer even if one of the IP addresses goes down.
  • Scaling: ELBs automatically scale to handle large amounts of traffic, and having multiple IP addresses allows them to handle more traffic by distributing it across multiple IP addresses.
  • DDoS protection: Having multiple IP addresses can help protect against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. By distributing traffic across multiple IP addresses, an attacker would have to target multiple IP addresses to take down the load balancer.
  • Performance: Having multiple IP addresses allows the load balancer to distribute traffic to different resources based on the incoming request's protocol and host/path. This can improve performance by directing traffic to the most appropriate resources.

It's worth noting that AWS Elastic Load Balancer IP addresses are not static and can change, so you should never hardcode the IP address of your ELB into your application. Instead, you should always use the DNS name of the ELB in your application, which will resolve to the correct IP addresses

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