Explain Index awareness in detail and how it is implemented?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


Index awareness is the property to assign indexes to the values of the universe. With the index awareness, the values in the filter conditions of the queries providers that are built from the universe are replaced by their corresponding indexes. Usually, the values in the filter conditions arrive from the dimension table and a join is required with the fact table to gain this value. But, if an index awareness is implemented, there is no need for this join and hence this join is eliminated. To get the value, the query filter takes the corresponding index value from the fact table itself.

Implementation: To implement index awareness, first identify the dimension fields which are to be used in a query filter. First, find the keys tab in the edit properties of the object. In this tab, the primary key is defined from the source primary key of the table from which the object is derived. And the relationship of the database columns for all foreign key with the other tables has to be defined here. The universe becomes index aware if this is done for all the required dimensions.

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