What is linked universe and What are the types of the linked universe?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


Linked Universes includes those universes which have the property to share the common components such as classes, joins, parameters and joins. The one universe has the role of the core universe and other which is derived is called as a derived universe. The types of the universe are defined below in detail

There are mainly two types of linked universe. These are:

  • Core Universe: It is the main universe to which the other universes are linked. It contains the common components of the derived universes. It represents the re-usable library for the components. Depending on the behavior of components of the core universe, it can be classified as master or kernel universe.
  • Derived Universe: The derived universe contains a link to the core universe which helps derived universe to share the components of core universe. If the linked universe is kernel universe, then components can be added to the derived universe. Otherwise, if it is mater universe, then all the components of the core universe are contained in the derived universe.

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