What is the page life cycle in ASP.NET?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


Every page created in ASP.NET goes through a series of stages. This is called the life cycle of the page in ASP.NET and the different stages are given here.

  1. Page request: Whenever the user requests a page, ASP.NET analyses if it should be compiled or otherwise serve it from a cache. This is the first step/process of the page's lifecycle.
  2. Start: Every page has a beginning condition and this step sets them for one particular page.
  3. Initialization: In this phase, all the on-page controls are initiated and the themes start getting applied.
  4. Load: The control properties are set using view state and control state properties.
  5. Post back event handling: The input given by the user is handled whenever required.
  6. Rendering: While using ASP.NET, it can save the view state for your page. It then writes the output of the rendering into the output stream.
  7. Unload: Once all the pages are rendered, they are sent to the client. Therefore, ASP.NET unloads all input page properties and then performs clean up.

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