What is dimension table in Warehouse?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2020


A dimension table is a table in a star schema of a data warehouse. Data warehouses are built using dimensional data models which consist of fact and dimension tables. Dimension tables are used to describe dimensions; they contain dimension keys, values and attributes. They are typically small, ranging from a few to several thousand rows. Occasionally dimensions can grow fairly large, however. For example, a large credit card company could have a customer dimension with millions of rows. Dividing a data warehouse project into dimensions provides structured information for reporting purposes. When you create a dimension, you logically create a structure for your projects. This dimension table can be utilized across for reports and it’s about re-usability. If there are any changes to be made, it is evident that only a particular table will get affected. When a company wants to create a report, they can read the data from the dimension table since the table consists of the necessary information.

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