List the various categories of query parameters used in Apache Solr.


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


The various categories of query parameters used in Apache Solr include the following:

  • fl: stipulates the list of various fields that are required to be returned to each document within the result
  • fq: represents a set of filter queries that are filled by Apache Solr within strict bounds for the best result to be obtained for various documents
  • rows: represents the exact number of various documents that need to be recovered per page; the default number is 10
  • start: represents the initial offset for a particular page, the default number is 0
  • sort: indicates the rundown of fields isolated by commas, in light of which the aftereffects of the question is to be arranged
  • q: this is the fundamental inquiry parameter of Apache Solr, the archives are scored by their closeness to terms in this parameter
  • wt: represents the kind of the reaction the user needs to see the outcome

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