Differentiate between Split and trim?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


    1 Answer Written

  •  devquora
    Answered by Satyam

    Difference between Split and trim in CATIA

    Split: Split in CATIA is used to cut off one element with another element. When we use split it is possible to cut off a line or a curve with a point, a curve or a surface. Splitting a surface, with a curve, line or surface. When a user starts a function a window opens, where they get to choose which element they want to cut (to cut the field). If the user wants to add elements they can click the blue icon next to the box, and then cut all the elements in one step.

    The split does not maintain the associativity of the instance rather it cuts them off. Comparatively, it is easier to use, one gets to choose the unwanted part. It can also shrink the resulting surfaces or curves. This operation supports dissociation at any surface along with a point or curve.

    Trim: By the Trim option in Catia, a user can cut off two elements interchangeably. When we are going to trim, it is important to select the elements that we are going to cut off(They will appear in the trimmed elements field). The part of the element where we click is also retained by the system. If the user wants to change the results then they should click on the other side/ next element and other side/ previous element. With the help of complex geometry, we can remove or keep the elements that we want.

    In trim, it is possible to have an intersection between the surfaces, by including the intersection computation option. It can also be said that trim easily cuts and assembles two different elements. This operation can easily be used with lines, surfaces or curves to facilitate the cutting and joining of the rest of the sections. Trim supports and maintains the associativity factor of the instance. Trim control point structure of the parent's surface, intact. This operation also retains the remaining part of the elements which was selected earlier. A user can also get the intersection in between the surfaces including their intersection options which supports the mutual sequencing of two elements.

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