List the functions available in “dplyr” package.


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


The functions in dplyr package are-

  • Filter- Filter() allows you to select a subset of rows in a data frame. the first argument is the tibble and the second argument is the variables within that data frame. it selects the rows where expression is true.
  • Arrange- Arrange() recorders the rows on the basis of data frames or a set of column names.  Desc() function is used to arrange columns in descending orders.
  • Mutate- it is used to add new variables to the data. it is also used to add new columns that are functions of existing columns. Dplyr::mutate is used to refer to the newly created column.
  • Select()- this function is used to zoom in on a useful subset that works on numeric values. With select(), you can use functions like ends_with(), matches(), starts_with(), etc.

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