What are the pros of Riot.js?


Posted On: Feb 22, 2018


The main advantages or pros of Riot.js are as follows:
  • Simple to learn– Riot is a very small framework with a size of the only 9kb and there is not much to learn about it. In addition, it’s mostly vanilla JavaScript and HTML in which there is no new syntax like React JSX, which the users need to learn before using.
  • High performance: Riot consists of a very fast runtime compiler, which is also available as part of user’s build step of JS. In addition to this, Riot also makes use of a simplified virtual DOM, which helps to update HTML and other very fast changes.
  • An attraction for modules:  Riot.js is a component-based development, which is built around UI modules, known as tags, which provides modularity apart. Inspired by some of their own practices, it’s very simple to exchange Riot tags in between projects.

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