Microservices Interview Questions and Answers

Microservices Interview Questions

Microservices is a type of software technique. Microservices is also known as microservices architecture. It is a type of architectural structure. This type of architectural structure is used to structure an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. The microservice mainly makes the applications easier to understand, develop, test and is more resilient to architectural erosion. There are lots of applications that are being developed from the microservices that are Martin Fowler, Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, PayPal, etc. There are lots of Microservices interview questions and answers that will help you a lot.

Microservices are the type of platform that is being developed for the cloud. The microservices are being deployed and are also managed independently. If it is once being implemented inside the containers then they will have very little interaction with the underlying OS. Below are some of the Microservices interview questions and answers.

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Below are the list of Best Microservices Interview Questions and Answers

The Microservices architecture is a type of structure where the applications are mainly built in the collections of the very small services than the one whole app.

The following are the main components of the microservices architecture:

  • Clients
  • Identity provider
  • API gateway
  • Static content
  • Management
  • Service discovery
  • Content delivery networks
  • Remote services

There are three types of tools that are used in the microservices. They are:

  • Wiremock
  • Docker
  • Hysrix

Wiremock is a type of stimulator for the HTTP based API. The wiremock will help you to stay productive when an API that you are depending on does not exist or it isn’t complete.

Docker is a type of designing tool that is used to make an application easily, deploy and run using the container. Containers will allow you to pack up an application with all the parts it needs.

Monolithic architecture is the type of a big container in which all the software components of all the applications are clubbed inside the single package.

There are many companies which use microservices architecture. Some of them are:

  • Twitter
  • Netflix
  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • PayPal

The following are the main characteristics of the microservices architectures:

  • Microservices uses the essential messaging frameworks
  • Decentralized governance
  • Easy of the infrastructure automation
  • Design for the failures
  • Infrastructure automation

The Spring Cloud in the microservices is the type of system that helps to provide the integration with all the types of the external systems. The Spring Cloud is a type of the short-lived framework that is used to build an application fastly.

The following are the main characteristics of the Spring Cloud in the microservices architecture:

  • Version and the distributed configuration
  • Characteristics of the discovery of service registration
  • Service of the service calls
  • Routing
  • Spring Cloud has the characteristics of the circuit breaker and the load balancing
  • Provides cluster state and the election
  • Global locks and the distributed messaging

The following are the types of systems that are used in the microservices architecture:

  • Spring
  • Spring boot
  • Spring cloud

Spring framework is a type of the Java platform that helps to provide the comprehensive base that is supported for developing the Java applications. Spring will allow you to build an application from the plain old java object.

Spring boot is one of the most important features in microservices architecture. A Spring boot is a type of project that is being built on the top of the spring framework. The spring boot helps to provide the simpler and the faster way to set up, configure and will also help to run both the simple and the web-based applications.

The following are some of the features of the spring boot:

  • Auto Configuration
  • The auto-configuration helps to set up your application which is mainly depended on the surrounding environment.
  • Standalone
  • Standalone is one of the best features in the spring boot. In this you don’t need to deploy your application to a web server. Your primary task is to just click on the button or give out the run command and it will start running.
  • Opinionated
  • This type of framework chooses how to things for itself.

The following are some of the main problems being solved by the Spring cloud:

  • The distribution problem associated with the distributed system
  • Ability to handle the service discovery
  • Solved redundancy issues
  • Load balancing
  • Reduces the performance issues

A pact is a type of open source tool that helps to allow the testing interaction between the service providers and the customers or the consumers.

The following are the uses of the pact microservices architecture:

  • The pact is used to implement the consumer-driven contract in the microservices.
  • The pacts will help to test the consumer's driven contracts between the consumers and the providers of all the microservices.

The following are the types of challenges you will face if you are working with the microservices architecture:

  • The first challenge you will be facing is the difficulty of the automation. This is because due to the smaller number of components in the microservices.
  • Maintaining a larger number of components is very difficult along with their deployment, monitoring and identifying the problems.
  • In the microservices the configuration is tough.
  • In the microservices, it is quite difficult to find out each and every service for the errors.

The following are the different types of tests that are available for the microservices architecture:

  • Technology facing tests
  • Exploratory testing
  • Acceptance tests
Microservices architectureSOA
Microservices architecture is the type of the architectural pattern in which the complex applications that are composed of the small independent process connected with each other using the languages.SOA is a type of the architecture pattern that the application components provides the services to the other components with the help of the communication protocol over the network.
In the microservices architecture, the services can be deployed independently with the other services.In the SOA the services cannot be deployed independently with the other services.