C program to reverse an Integer number


Posted On: Jan 27, 2023

C program to reverse an Integer number



As we know that time is the most important concern in our life. To do any task easily, We have to use software to perform it in a simpler manner. Software is a set of programs with related documents. The Software Program or Program is a set of instructions to do a specific task. Here, our specific task is to reverse a number string. First, I want to explain What is String and number string? Then, I will explain What do you mean by Reversing a number? After all, I will demonstrate the logic of a C program to reverse a number and explain the working of its internal execution with output.

Table of contents:

  1. What is a String?
  2. What is a Number String?
  3. What do you mean by Reversing a number?
  4. Demonstration of Reverse a number
  5. C program to reverse a given number by using an Array
  6. Explanation of the Execution of the C program to reverse a number with output

What is a String?

The String is a combination of characters that may be any digit from 0 to 9, Special Symbols, and Alphabets from A to Z. The repetition of characters does not matter. For instance, a String Conax uses 5 characters i.e. C,o,n,e, and x.

What is a Number String?

As we know that a String is a sequence of characters. In the same way, The Number String is a combination of digits characters that may be any digit from 0 to 9 and doesn't include any Alphabet from A to Z or symbols. The repetition of digits also does not matter. For instance, a Number String 11001 uses 2 digits i.e. 1 and 0.

What do you mean by Reversing a number?

Reversing a number string is the process in which the opposition of a number's digits is included. We can say that it moves backward and turned toward the direction opposite to that previously stated. For instance, If our number string is 11001 is an Integer number then its reverse string is 10011.

Demonstration of Reverse a number string.

  • Step 1: Take a number
  • Step 1: Move backward to the last character of the previous string.
  • Step 2: Turned toward the direction opposite to it. That became the last character to the previous one as so on.
  • Step 3: At last Display, the digits of this continuous process as a number string until the previous first digit becomes the last one.

Example: Demonstration of Reverse an Integer 11001:

Demo of Reverse Number

C program to reverse an Integer Number 

#include <stdio.h>
void main() 
    int number, reverse = 0, remainder;
    printf("Please! Enter an Integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    while (number != 0) {
        remainder = number % 10;
        reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder;
        number /= 10;
    printf("The Equivalent Reversed Number is  %d.", reverse);


The output of the Program with code:

Please! Enter an Integer: 11001

The Equivalent Reversed Number is 10011

Reverse of a Number

Conclusion: Explanation of the C program to reverse an Integer with output.

The internal execution of the program depends upon the previous demonstration of reversing an Integer number.

After the successful compilation of the program, a message is displayed on the screen as Please! Enter a string that you want to reverse: Suppose, User, entered 11001 then again a message is displayed as The Equivalent Reversed Number is 10011.

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