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Laravel Tutorials
Laravel Vs Symfony PHP Framework
Laravel Vs Symfony PHP Framework

Laravel and Symfony PHP Framework both provide object-relational mapping (ORM) for data access. There are a number of differences between the Laravel and Symfony PHP Framework.

C Program Examples
C program to swap two numbers
C program to swap two numbers

This Program stores two integers one by one into the int datatype. After the successful swapping of numbers it will exchange the value of them at once.

C Program Examples
C Program to find factorial of a Number using Recursion
C Program to find factorial of a Number using Recursion

Program execution will start from the beginning of the main() function. The main function consists of fact() recursive function, this fact() function is called from main() function with user entered number n as an argument. After passing number 5 to the fact() function will call fact() function (recursive call). In recursive call, the value of that passed argument ‘n’ is decreased by 1 until n value reaches less than 1. The fact(0) will always 1. Once n value is less than one, there is no recursive call and the factorial program will calculate and print output. Your C compiler asks you to enter a number to find factorial as follows:Enter a positive number: 5After you enter your number, the program will be executed and give output like below:Factorial of 5 = 120

C Program Examples
C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative

The internal execution of the program depends upon the entered Integer.After the successful compilation of the program, a message is displayed on the screen as Enter a number: if user entered 6 then compiler checks that 6 is greater than 0 therefore it is a positive number not negative or 0 therefore, again a message displayed on the screen as You entered a positive number.

C Program Examples
C program to find factorial of a number
C program to find factorial of a number

The factorial of a positive number n is calculated by: The factorial of n (n!) = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4....n In this program we will find the factorial of a number where the number should be entered by the user. Factorial is sequence of a number whose multiply all previous number.

C Program Examples
C program to reverse a string
C program to reverse a string

This program reversed the entered string that means opposite of the previous string sequence.

C Program Examples
C Program to Generate Fibonacci Series using recursion
C Program to Generate Fibonacci Series using recursion

This Program adds previous two numbers value to compute the next number value. In this program Fibonacci series is calculated using recursion, with seed as 0 and 1. In the code Fibonacci function calls itself with a lesser value several times. An termination condition is very important to recursion function, i.e. n == 0 and n == 1 or the recursive call would be infinite leading to stack overflow error.

SEO Tutorials
Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google
Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google

Google ranks a page according to a large number of factors. Exactly what these factors are is apparently a trade secret, although there are a number of well-known things that contribute to the ranking of a page. In this post, we talk about 10 ways to increase your page ranking in Google search.


What is Props drilling in React?

In React, props are a way for components to receive data from their parent components. Props drilling, also known as props tunneling, refers to the practice of passing props from a top-level component...

Angularjs Tutorials
Top 5 Tools For Testing Angular Applications
Top 5 Tools For Testing Angular Applications

Testing is an integral part of the development irrespective of what field you are working in. Software testing tools have been developed to verify the current status of the application, its end to end forms being implemented and rendered as intended.

What Is The Best Programming Language For The Mobile Application Development?
What Is The Best Programming Language For The Mobile Application Development?

best programming languages for the mobile application development, you can use any of them according to your requirements. You can contact Techugo if you have any concerns regarding the application development.

Cobol Interview Questions

What is COBOL?

In 1959, the US Department of Defence formed CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Language). CODASYL was formed with the

Google Adwords Interview Questions

Define Adwords

AdWords is an advertising platform by Google where the keywords go through a bidding process. The search engine and its

HR, Jobs and Career Tips
Technical interview question tips
Technical interview question tips

Heading off to a job interview is always full of nervousness even in the best of conditions. Take a full breath. Survey our rundown of top technical interview questions for freshers. Here are some top technical interview questions with answers for your Interview.

SEO Tutorials
What is Black Hat or Spamdexing SEO ?
What is Black Hat or Spamdexing SEO ?

The SEO technique would be recognized as "Black Hat or Spamdexing" ifIt is disapproved by the search engine It involves deception It redirects users from the desired page to the one that is more user-friendly It serves one version of the page to search engine spiders/bots and another version to the user. This is called “Cloaking”.

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